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101408531.05.2023, 18:13
Обычная 5x5All Pick
Победа Сил Тьмы1:05:18
Icon of hero omniknightIcon of hero kunkkaIcon of hero earth_spiritIcon of hero nevermoreIcon of hero puckIcon of hero spectreIcon of hero techiesIcon of hero invokerIcon of hero pudgeIcon of hero shredder
101407930.05.2023, 22:08
Обычная 5x5All Pick
Победа Сил Тьмы46:41
Icon of hero viperIcon of hero tinyIcon of hero techiesIcon of hero slarkIcon of hero magnataurIcon of hero bounty_hunterIcon of hero disruptorIcon of hero ember_spiritIcon of hero nevermoreIcon of hero pudge
101407630.05.2023, 21:08
Обычная 5x5All Pick
Победа Сил Тьмы25:45
Icon of hero storm_spiritIcon of hero axeIcon of hero linaIcon of hero antimageIcon of hero techiesIcon of hero naga_sirenIcon of hero earth_spiritIcon of hero ogre_magiIcon of hero earthshakerIcon of hero pudge
101407530.05.2023, 20:26
ОбучениеAll Pick
Победа Сил Света6:57
Icon of hero weaverIcon of hero antimageIcon of hero pudgeIcon of hero invokerIcon of hero nevermoreIcon of hero rubickIcon of hero spirit_breakerIcon of hero morphlingIcon of hero disruptor
101407330.05.2023, 20:00
Обычная 5x5All Pick
Победа Сил Света19:31
Icon of hero bounty_hunterIcon of hero abaddonIcon of hero viperIcon of hero disruptorIcon of hero tuskIcon of hero nevermoreIcon of hero vengefulspiritIcon of hero rattletrapIcon of hero skeleton_kingIcon of hero life_stealer
101407230.05.2023, 19:28
Обычная 5x5All Pick
Победа Сил Тьмы43:16
Icon of hero legion_commanderIcon of hero linaIcon of hero lionIcon of hero bloodseekerIcon of hero puckIcon of hero treantIcon of hero centaurIcon of hero wispIcon of hero ancient_apparitionIcon of hero brewmaster
101406429.05.2023, 22:47
Обычная 5x5All Pick
Победа Сил Тьмы29:08
Icon of hero nevermoreIcon of hero rattletrapIcon of hero undyingIcon of hero bristlebackIcon of hero warlockIcon of hero weaverIcon of hero nyx_assassinIcon of hero lichIcon of hero bounty_hunterIcon of hero riki
101406229.05.2023, 21:47
Обычная 5x5All Pick
Победа Сил Света26:06
Icon of hero keeper_of_the_lightIcon of hero clinkzIcon of hero venomancerIcon of hero batriderIcon of hero svenIcon of hero bristlebackIcon of hero wispIcon of hero phantom_lancerIcon of hero nevermoreIcon of hero lion
101406129.05.2023, 21:07
Обычная 5x5All Pick
Победа Сил Тьмы33:02
Icon of hero abaddonIcon of hero lionIcon of hero silencerIcon of hero nevermoreIcon of hero tinyIcon of hero magnataurIcon of hero phantom_assassinIcon of hero pugnaIcon of hero skeleton_kingIcon of hero storm_spirit
101405929.05.2023, 19:04
Обычная 5x5All Pick
Победа Сил Тьмы35:04
Icon of hero sand_kingIcon of hero pudgeIcon of hero nevermoreIcon of hero huskarIcon of hero shredderIcon of hero lichIcon of hero tinyIcon of hero storm_spiritIcon of hero techiesIcon of hero sven
101405429.05.2023, 03:21
Обычная 5x5All Pick
Победа Сил Тьмы54:22
Icon of hero pudgeIcon of hero ancient_apparitionIcon of hero nyx_assassinIcon of hero antimageIcon of hero leshracIcon of hero morphlingIcon of hero jakiroIcon of hero skeleton_kingIcon of hero obsidian_destroyerIcon of hero zuus
101405329.05.2023, 02:03
Обычная 5x5All Pick
Победа Сил Тьмы28:53
Icon of hero viperIcon of hero lichIcon of hero doom_bringerIcon of hero abaddonIcon of hero gyrocopterIcon of hero spectreIcon of hero troll_warlordIcon of hero phantom_assassinIcon of hero medusaIcon of hero phantom_lancer
101405029.05.2023, 01:13
Обычная 5x5All Pick
Победа Сил Тьмы24:32
Icon of hero pudgeIcon of hero omniknightIcon of hero antimageIcon of hero queenofpainIcon of hero huskarIcon of hero weaverIcon of hero abaddonIcon of hero templar_assassinIcon of hero venomancerIcon of hero tidehunter
101404829.05.2023, 00:32
Обычная 5x5All Pick
Победа Сил Света20:14
Icon of hero jakiroIcon of hero centaurIcon of hero enchantressIcon of hero zuusIcon of hero lycanIcon of hero nevermoreIcon of hero sniperIcon of hero disruptorIcon of hero lichIcon of hero tidehunter
101404728.05.2023, 23:55
Обычная 5x5All Pick
Победа Сил Света1:30
101404628.05.2023, 23:36
Обычная 5x5All Pick
Победа Сил Света26:39
Icon of hero baneIcon of hero nevermoreIcon of hero faceless_voidIcon of hero shredderIcon of hero disruptorIcon of hero night_stalkerIcon of hero treantIcon of hero juggernautIcon of hero lichIcon of hero death_prophet
101404528.05.2023, 22:29
Обычная 5x5All Pick
Победа Сил Тьмы43:56
Icon of hero miranaIcon of hero puckIcon of hero ursaIcon of hero omniknightIcon of hero sand_kingIcon of hero invokerIcon of hero crystal_maidenIcon of hero tinkerIcon of hero pudgeIcon of hero alchemist
101404428.05.2023, 21:26
Обычная 5x5All Pick
Победа Сил Света23:28
Icon of hero legion_commanderIcon of hero obsidian_destroyerIcon of hero omniknightIcon of hero spirit_breakerIcon of hero gyrocopterIcon of hero juggernautIcon of hero lichIcon of hero shredderIcon of hero nevermoreIcon of hero disruptor
101404328.05.2023, 20:35
Обычная 5x5All Pick
Победа Сил Тьмы37:17
Icon of hero nevermoreIcon of hero pudgeIcon of hero spectreIcon of hero skeleton_kingIcon of hero slardarIcon of hero tinyIcon of hero svenIcon of hero silencerIcon of hero techiesIcon of hero doom_bringer
101404028.05.2023, 16:23
Обычная 5x5All Pick
Победа Сил Света43:01
Icon of hero nevermoreIcon of hero shredderIcon of hero clinkzIcon of hero night_stalkerIcon of hero techiesIcon of hero storm_spiritIcon of hero furionIcon of hero huskarIcon of hero skeleton_kingIcon of hero legion_commander
101403528.05.2023, 01:01
Обычная 5x5All Pick
Победа Сил Тьмы29:38
Icon of hero shredderIcon of hero tinkerIcon of hero silencerIcon of hero slarkIcon of hero lichIcon of hero nyx_assassinIcon of hero rikiIcon of hero life_stealerIcon of hero techiesIcon of hero centaur
101403127.05.2023, 22:32
Обычная 5x5All Pick
Победа Сил Тьмы22:04
Icon of hero night_stalkerIcon of hero lichIcon of hero slarkIcon of hero spirit_breakerIcon of hero slardarIcon of hero puckIcon of hero rubickIcon of hero techiesIcon of hero spectreIcon of hero ogre_magi
101403027.05.2023, 21:47
Обычная 5x5All Pick
Победа Сил Света26:03
Icon of hero sniperIcon of hero nevermoreIcon of hero bounty_hunterIcon of hero furionIcon of hero undyingIcon of hero shredderIcon of hero crystal_maidenIcon of hero techiesIcon of hero earth_spiritIcon of hero juggernaut
101402927.05.2023, 21:10
Обычная 5x5All Pick
Победа Сил Света54:02
Icon of hero pudgeIcon of hero skeleton_kingIcon of hero lichIcon of hero furionIcon of hero abaddonIcon of hero juggernautIcon of hero techiesIcon of hero gyrocopterIcon of hero omniknightIcon of hero shredder
101402827.05.2023, 20:03
Обычная 5x5All Pick
Победа Сил Света38:53
Icon of hero techiesIcon of hero nevermoreIcon of hero slarkIcon of hero pudgeIcon of hero tinyIcon of hero lichIcon of hero obsidian_destroyerIcon of hero shredderIcon of hero bristlebackIcon of hero skeleton_king