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295416.01.2021, 14:40
РейтингРейт. All Pick
Победа Сил Света29:27
Icon of hero rikiIcon of hero lunaIcon of hero legion_commanderIcon of hero ancient_apparitionIcon of hero necrolyteIcon of hero huskarIcon of hero earth_spiritIcon of hero skeleton_kingIcon of hero lichIcon of hero bristleback
295116.01.2021, 14:39
РейтингРейт. All Pick
Победа Сил Тьмы29:35
Icon of hero storm_spiritIcon of hero axeIcon of hero faceless_voidIcon of hero silencerIcon of hero drow_rangerIcon of hero ogre_magiIcon of hero pudgeIcon of hero juggernautIcon of hero skeleton_kingIcon of hero nevermore
294216.01.2021, 14:24
ОбучениеAll Pick
Победа Сил Света33:04
Icon of hero nevermoreIcon of hero doom_bringerIcon of hero earth_spiritIcon of hero lichIcon of hero faceless_voidIcon of hero sniperIcon of hero ember_spiritIcon of hero juggernautIcon of hero pudgeIcon of hero sven
294116.01.2021, 14:16
ОбучениеAll Pick
Победа Сил Тьмы26:21
Icon of hero invokerIcon of hero antimageIcon of hero pudgeIcon of hero furionIcon of hero legion_commanderIcon of hero lionIcon of hero faceless_voidIcon of hero necrolyteIcon of hero axeIcon of hero sniper
294316.01.2021, 14:15
ОбучениеAll Pick
Победа Сил Света23:34
Icon of hero skeleton_kingIcon of hero axeIcon of hero lichIcon of hero necrolyteIcon of hero sniperIcon of hero pudgeIcon of hero legion_commanderIcon of hero faceless_voidIcon of hero razorIcon of hero luna
293516.01.2021, 14:12
ОбучениеAll Pick
Победа Сил Тьмы36:20
Icon of hero lionIcon of hero sniperIcon of hero pudgeIcon of hero furionIcon of hero juggernautIcon of hero necrolyteIcon of hero axeIcon of hero terrorbladeIcon of hero rikiIcon of hero omniknight
292916.01.2021, 14:12
ОбучениеAll Pick
Победа Сил Тьмы49:20
Icon of hero shadow_demonIcon of hero ember_spiritIcon of hero nyx_assassinIcon of hero ogre_magiIcon of hero furionIcon of hero witch_doctorIcon of hero pudgeIcon of hero lichIcon of hero bloodseekerIcon of hero meepo
293716.01.2021, 14:07
ОбучениеAll Pick
Победа Сил Тьмы18:55
Icon of hero antimageIcon of hero disruptorIcon of hero slardarIcon of hero sniperIcon of hero necrolyteIcon of hero phoenixIcon of hero earthshakerIcon of hero phantom_assassinIcon of hero templar_assassinIcon of hero lina
293416.01.2021, 14:05
ОбучениеAll Pick
Победа Сил Света30:17
Icon of hero windrunnerIcon of hero night_stalkerIcon of hero earthshakerIcon of hero earth_spiritIcon of hero skeleton_kingIcon of hero rikiIcon of hero rubickIcon of hero pudgeIcon of hero meepoIcon of hero juggernaut
293316.01.2021, 13:59
ОбучениеAll Pick
Победа Сил Света27:07
Icon of hero sniperIcon of hero lionIcon of hero nevermoreIcon of hero ogre_magiIcon of hero earth_spiritIcon of hero drow_rangerIcon of hero centaurIcon of hero invokerIcon of hero brewmasterIcon of hero treant
293016.01.2021, 13:56
РейтингРейт. All Pick
Победа Сил Тьмы24:57
Icon of hero meepoIcon of hero witch_doctorIcon of hero lichIcon of hero kunkkaIcon of hero terrorbladeIcon of hero ember_spiritIcon of hero abaddonIcon of hero legion_commanderIcon of hero invokerIcon of hero nyx_assassin
292316.01.2021, 13:50
ОбучениеAll Pick
Победа Сил Тьмы29:42
Icon of hero earth_spiritIcon of hero necrolyteIcon of hero omniknightIcon of hero axeIcon of hero legion_commanderIcon of hero pudgeIcon of hero vengefulspiritIcon of hero drow_rangerIcon of hero lunaIcon of hero sven
292716.01.2021, 13:44
ОбучениеAll Pick
Победа Сил Света25:03
Icon of hero lichIcon of hero pudgeIcon of hero broodmotherIcon of hero rattletrapIcon of hero lycanIcon of hero rikiIcon of hero bloodseekerIcon of hero sniperIcon of hero phantom_assassinIcon of hero windrunner
292516.01.2021, 13:43
ОбучениеAll Pick
Победа Сил Света28:21
Icon of hero lone_druidIcon of hero pudgeIcon of hero terrorbladeIcon of hero doom_bringerIcon of hero dazzleIcon of hero antimageIcon of hero nevermoreIcon of hero storm_spiritIcon of hero lichIcon of hero huskar
292216.01.2021, 13:39
ОбучениеAll Pick
Победа Сил Света26:57
Icon of hero storm_spiritIcon of hero bounty_hunterIcon of hero bristlebackIcon of hero lionIcon of hero skeleton_kingIcon of hero visageIcon of hero axeIcon of hero slarkIcon of hero lone_druidIcon of hero dazzle
292016.01.2021, 13:34
ОбучениеAll Pick
Победа Сил Света27:22
Icon of hero pudgeIcon of hero phantom_assassinIcon of hero ember_spiritIcon of hero skeleton_kingIcon of hero earth_spiritIcon of hero lionIcon of hero invokerIcon of hero ursaIcon of hero legion_commanderIcon of hero tinker
291716.01.2021, 13:29
ОбучениеAll Pick
Победа Сил Тьмы28:40
Icon of hero skeleton_kingIcon of hero ancient_apparitionIcon of hero pudgeIcon of hero bristlebackIcon of hero faceless_voidIcon of hero earth_spiritIcon of hero juggernautIcon of hero sniperIcon of hero crystal_maidenIcon of hero legion_commander
291116.01.2021, 13:29
ОбучениеAll Pick
Победа Сил Света42:09
Icon of hero phantom_assassinIcon of hero vengefulspiritIcon of hero pudgeIcon of hero omniknightIcon of hero windrunnerIcon of hero tidehunterIcon of hero sniperIcon of hero bristlebackIcon of hero kunkkaIcon of hero crystal_maiden
291416.01.2021, 13:28
ОбучениеAll Pick
Победа Сил Света36:31
Icon of hero ogre_magiIcon of hero svenIcon of hero pudgeIcon of hero ember_spiritIcon of hero bloodseekerIcon of hero ursaIcon of hero huskarIcon of hero broodmotherIcon of hero skeleton_kingIcon of hero wisp
291516.01.2021, 13:27
ОбучениеAll Pick
Победа Сил Света32:47
Icon of hero ogre_magiIcon of hero skeleton_kingIcon of hero spirit_breakerIcon of hero huskarIcon of hero windrunnerIcon of hero linaIcon of hero bristlebackIcon of hero tuskIcon of hero drow_rangerIcon of hero phantom_assassin
291816.01.2021, 13:25
ОбучениеAll Pick
Победа Сил Света25:58
Icon of hero phoenixIcon of hero drow_rangerIcon of hero ancient_apparitionIcon of hero nevermoreIcon of hero slarkIcon of hero undyingIcon of hero abaddonIcon of hero pudgeIcon of hero skeleton_kingIcon of hero bloodseeker
290916.01.2021, 13:24
ОбучениеAll Pick
Победа Сил Света39:34
Icon of hero bloodseekerIcon of hero shadow_shamanIcon of hero rikiIcon of hero sniperIcon of hero svenIcon of hero pudgeIcon of hero crystal_maidenIcon of hero enchantressIcon of hero rubickIcon of hero drow_ranger
291016.01.2021, 13:16
РейтингРейт. All Pick
Победа Сил Света31:37
Icon of hero earth_spiritIcon of hero disruptorIcon of hero shredderIcon of hero ursaIcon of hero ember_spiritIcon of hero baneIcon of hero tinyIcon of hero meepoIcon of hero gyrocopterIcon of hero pudge
290516.01.2021, 13:15
ОбучениеAll Pick
Победа Сил Тьмы44:30
Icon of hero morphlingIcon of hero antimageIcon of hero lionIcon of hero crystal_maidenIcon of hero pudgeIcon of hero nevermoreIcon of hero warlockIcon of hero invokerIcon of hero furionIcon of hero axe
290816.01.2021, 13:13
ОбучениеAll Pick
Победа Сил Тьмы32:23
Icon of hero meepoIcon of hero pudgeIcon of hero storm_spiritIcon of hero earth_spiritIcon of hero ogre_magiIcon of hero huskarIcon of hero disruptorIcon of hero phantom_assassinIcon of hero windrunnerIcon of hero venomancer